Regentropfen University College (Regentropfen or RUC for short) located in Kansoe in the Bongo District of the Upper East Region of Ghana got its institutional accreditation in March 2016. It all began in 2010 after Rev. Fr. Moses Asaah Awinongya SVD became the Director of Stiftung Regentropfen – Bildung zum Leben. He wanted to get a library established in the Namoo traditional area, so that the young boys and girls there could have a place to retreat and learn. In the search for funds and in consultation with possible project financiers, the idea the library was developed into Educational Center and later into Regentropfen University College.
The name of the institution owes its roots to the German word ‘REGENTROPFEN’, which means raindrops. It has the same roots like the mother foundations in Germany and Ghana, namely, Stiftung Regentropfen and Regentropfen Education Foundation. Regentropfen is not just a name, but more so it serves as the program of the University College. Rain brings life to humanity and to the whole of creation. In the same spirit, Regentropfen University College is to promote life through the promotion of talents

The Regentropfen Emphasis
Regentropfen is developing a philosophy of education that lays emphasis on technological advancement and scientific research combined with professional accompaniment of the students to make them fit for the labour market and to enable them contribute effectively to sustainable development in their respective societies.
The University College treasures development and progress that is founded on the bedrock of organic growth and takes the human person as an important agent of change and development.
It is part of the uniqueness of Regentropfen to run a special center called Business and Career Development Center (BCDC). Another unique character of Regentropfen is social inclusion and gender equity.
The landscape, facilities and teaching will pay attention to these issues. A graduate of Regentropfen comes out with three languages: English, French and Sign Language.
The focus of Regentropfen is the human person, who lives in a community of humans, has responsibility towards life given to him by the Creator, God. He, the human person, also has responsibility to protect the environment, so that all creatures can have a habitat.
Just as rain makes the landscape green and enables the earth to get life, Regentropfen University College is to bring hope and courage to all those who come into contact with it, its programs and staff.
‘Many drops of water make a mighty ocean’ and so the individual person as well as the community of individuals contribute to a pool of talents and bring about life. A good mixture of the promotion of individuality and communal spirit thus form the strength of Regentropfen.
Networking and cooperation is very important is running a modern day tertiary institution and or business. Importance is thus given to this component of the life of the University College in order to bring about synergy effect.
Research in Regentropfen is geared towards solving problems. Students will be trained to acquire knowledge rather accumulate certificates.
The College believes that change begins with the individual. Do you want to be an agent of change and organic growth? Your partner is Regentropfen University College. Add value to society! Strive to promote life in society!