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You are welcome to the website of Regentropfen University College, Kansoe (Namoo traditional area) of the Bongo District of Upper East Region of Ghana, West Africa.
The University College got its institutional accreditation in 2016 under the name Regentropfen College of Applied Sciences. You are coming into contact with University College that is people-centered degree awarding institution, that is poised to train a new generation of scientific researchers, engineers, and entrepreneurial leaders with hands-on knowledge (Do-How ability), who combine analytical and critical thinking with care for others and the courage to transform the West Africa Sub-region.
In all its activities, efforts are made to offer a human-centered management approach. Our vision and intent are to ensure that our stakeholders and persons, who come into contact with us, are given a high value of service such that one feels valued and appreciated.
In Regentropfen talents are promoted in various forms and the conducive atmosphere is created to ensure that our students get prepared for the future and thus making it possible for them to contribute to the socio-economic growth of the societies they would serve, by using the skills and knowledge acquired whilst maintaining high relevance to their Employers. Regentropfen is outstanding in its approach to getting students prepared to create jobs for themselves and others: it is producing Market-Oriented Entrepreneurs, regardless of the field of study.
The Institution has been a leader in establishing the Business and Career Development Center, which provides practice in enterprise development and promotion for the students and the University College community as a whole. The Department of Agriculture for Social Change has an apiary, animals’ farm, Moringa plantation as well as poultry farm for demonstration (in terms of production and enterprise).
Regentropfen perceives itself as a pacesetter and as a haven for the promotion of talents without discrimination of any sort. In order to reach out to most of the members of the Society, Sign Language and French are offered, thereby making communication with the neighbours in Burkina Faso and other Francophone Nations as well as persons in the community with hearing impairment a possibility.
Regentropfen is an institution with a human heart and upholds the tenets of giving all an opportunity. It thus offers various workshops and certificate courses to its varied customers
By joining Regentropfen, you are joining hands with many others to get into a world of doing things in new ways. You are getting the opportunity to bring about positive change in society. We invite you to spend some time to learn, explore, and discover in order to find out what we stand for and what we do.
Once again welcome to Regentropfen, the place of the Pacesetters. We wish you great experiences and heartwarming encounters.
You are welcome to Regentropfen!
Bien venue au Regentropfen!