President: Rev. Fr. Dr. Moses Asaah Awinongya SVD
On the 29th of September, 2021 the Regentropfen Education Foundation (REF), Regentropfen University College and Regentropfen Model Schools celebrated the annual Regentropfen Founders’ Day to give thanks to God for the seed that was sown in May 2011. The day also marks the birthday of the President and co-founder of REF and related entities, Rev. Fr. Dr. Moses Asaah Awinongya SVD, feast day of co-Founder Michaela Bauer and the ReCAS Catholic Community (i.e., Archangels Catholic Community). The Day was marked with a number of activities including a Holy Mass, outdoor and indoor games, official launching of the day, lunch for Model schools and dinner to welcome fresh students to the Regentropfen Family.
The Mass was said by one of the founding members, Rev. Fr. Sebastian Aduko, during which he recounted the journey of building REF from the scratch. In attendance were staff and students, including the Vice President, Professor Agnes Atia Apusigah and the Acting Registrar, Mr. Isaac Azure, staff and students of model schools, staff of REF and members of Board of Directors as well as some special guests and congregants of the Community Church.
During the Mass, Rev. Fr. Aduko recalled the beginnings and praised the enthusiasm and vision of Rev. Fr. Moses Awinongya SVD when he shared his intention of starting a library in the community. Rev. Fr. Aduko said although he was excited about the proposed the library project, he had a few doubts, initially, about how it would be managed to served its purpose. He said, he had known about a library elsewhere and the challenge of maintaining books and facility for learning purposes. He soon learned that Fr. Awinongya saw a bigger picture and did not relent in his efforts to bring all others along to realize the dream.

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Aduko
He went on to stress that Rev. Fr. Awinongya is a man of vision and excellence who will always seek quality in the true sense of the word. Since those traits resonated with him, it was easy for both of them to get along. Rev. Fr. Aduko said he was present when the sword was cut for the construction of the library and also identified some brilliant but needy students to be sponsored in their education by Fr. Awinongya through the Regentropfen Education Foundation (REF).
After the Mass and the official launching of the Founders’ Day was held at the St. Joseph Faculty Building of RECAS. The ceremony commenced with an opening/welcome address by the Acting Registrar, Mr. Isaac Azure. In his address, Mr. Azure recounted the history of REF. He also mentioned the struggles of Rev. Fr. Awinongya in his days as a young boy through his schooling days. According to him, it was a tough journey for him from primary to secondary school. He said it was the struggle that made him promise himself not to allow other children in his situation have such a horrible experience. The experience Fr. Awinongya went through strengthened him and gave him the vision to establish a Foundation that would offer relief to later generations of students. According to the Ag. Registrar, the initial vision has given birth to several units, including the Regentropfen University College (ReCAS), Regentropfen Senior High School (ReSHS), Rauschmayer Institute for Technical Training (RITT) and Regentropfen Basic School (RBS), Sternstunden Happy Home for Children, RegAqua and most recently ReCAS FM. He said it has been by dint of hard work, sacrifice and dedication that the initial vision has been realized this far.
Rev. Fr. Aduko, who was at the launching, reiterated the need for staff and students to make few more sacrifices and work hard to make ReCAS stand tall. He bemoaned the recent attitude of the youth who tend to seek easy money rather than work with honesty to earn a sincere living. In his final words, he wished all students and staff the best of celebrations and encouraged all to consider the need to help humanity through sincere work rather than seeking to amass wealth.
The Vice President, Professor Agnes Atia Apusigah took her turn to recount how she joined the Regentropfen Family first as a planning committee member of ReCAS with eminent persons including Mr. Robert Ajene who is the first Rector of Bolgatanga Technical University. She mentioned that, being an indigene of the area, she easily identified with the vision of Fr. Awinongya and was eager to contribute her quota. She congratulated the founders of REF and the entire Regentropfen Family of institutions, Fr. Moses Asaah Awinongya, SVD, Madam Michaela Bauer and Fr. Sebastian Aduko for their contributions so far while encouraging current staff to give out their best. She further expressed her commitment to help move the vision forward toward becoming a beacon of hope for all.
After the official launching of the Founders’ Day, students and staff moved out for group photograph and proceeded to engage in the indoor and outdoor games. These included a football match between students and staff as well as the playing of ludo, oware, cards and table tennis. All these games were simultaneously played amidst refreshment from management.

Some Students playing Oware

Photograph with Rev. Fr. Sebastian Aduko, the Vice President Professor Agnes Atia Apusigah and some fresher
Later in the day, all participants had a sumptuous meal prepared by the Canteen of Business and Career Development Center (BCDC). This was part of the activity to welcome fresh students to the Regentropfen Family. The day was duly celebrated by all and sundry across all levels and categories.
It is expected that, subsequent years would see the Regentropfen Family of Institutions grow bigger and better with increased number of students and staff.