NAME: Rev. Fr. Dr. Moses Asaah Awinonya, SVD
DESIGNATION: College President
EMAIL: office@recas-ghana.com; moses.asaah@recasedugh.local
About Rev. Fr. Dr. Moses Asaah Awinongya, SVD
The position of the College President of Regentropfen of Applied Sciences (ReCAS) has both an executive (managerial) and academic leadership dimension. The “consulting” College President is in the person of Rev. Dr. Moses Asaah Awinongya SVD. Before taking up this position he had served as the Executive Chairman of Network Afrika Deutschland E.V., the Coordinator for Justice and Peace and Integration of Creation of the German Province of the Divine Word Missionaries and on the Board of Trustees of Steyler Mission of the same province.
In 2009, he founded the Stiftung Regentropfen – Bildung Zum Leben with the aim of providing financial support and professional guidance to the children and youth in Ghana in their education and vocational training. His philanthropic works earned him three awards.
Rev. Dr. Moses Asaah Awinongya SVD was born on 29th September, 1972, in Namoo. After his elementary education in Namoo L/A Primary School, he proceeded to Zorko-Tarongo Middle School, where he completed in 1986, and continued with his secondary education in Bolgatanga Secondary School (BIG BOSS), Bolgatanga, where he had his O’Level. He pursued the A’Level education in T.I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School, Kumasi and undertook his studies in Business Administration (Accounting option) in the now Business School of the University of Ghana, Legon. After two years of philosophical studies in St. Victor’s Regional Major Seminary, Tamale, and one-year of novitiate in Nkwatia-Kwahu, he proceeded to Phil.-Theol. Hochschule SVD St. Augustin, German, to pursue his theological studies, which he successfully completed and got the DAAD best foreign student award in the year 2005. He combined pastoral work with doctoral studies completing in 2012 in Dogmatic and Ecumenism. The title of his dissertation was: The Understanding of Family in Ghana as a Challenge for a Contextual Ecclesiology. He is currently a lecturer at Cologne University for Catholic Theology.
The structure of programmes, philosophy, vision, and mission statements of ReCAS bear the handwriting of the president. He conceptualized the Business and Career Development Center of ReCAS, making it the first of its kind in Ghana. He also successfully created a working relationship with SEPT (Small Enterprise Promotion and Training) of Universität Leipzig thereby making ReCAS to be part of the Africa-Germany Entrepreneurship Academy. In the year 2014, he created a good collaboration between ReCAS and Senior Expert Service, Stiftung, (SES), Bonn, thereby, making ReCAS to enjoy knowledge transfer from Germany. Similarly, he got the collaboration with Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University established and functioning. Over the years, his work has been on a pro bono basis thus, enabling the institution to enjoy both financial relief.
The personal motto of Rev. Awinongya is, “the reality of a better tomorrow, begins in a dream today.” You are invited to share in this dream of promoting the talents of young people in Ghana.
1. Winner, DAAD best foreign student award, 2005.
2. Winner, MTN Hero’s of Change in Education Category in May, 2017.
3. Melvin Jones Fellow (for Humanitarian activities), 2018.
4. Winner, Philanthropist of the Year Award, December, 2019.