We shape the creation of your professional perspectives!
List of Students-led Firms
The Business and Career Development Center (BCDC) of the Regentropfen University College launched and outdoor two of its students’-led firms on Friday, March 8th, 2019 at ReCAS campus. The two firms were “Crafty Bakery and Breakfast” and “Blessed Hands Poultry Farm”. During the launch, the President of the College, Rv. Fr. Dr. Moses Asaah Awinongya (SVD) and the director of BCDC, Mr. Isaac Azure, entreated the students to take their businesses seriously and expand to employ more people. The groups were given start-up capital to commence operations. Readmore
Workshops 2019
The Rate is : GHs 150.00
Deadline for Registration: Monday, April 1, 2019
Venue: ReCAS Campus (Bongo, Namoo – Upper East).
Do not miss this rear opportunity.
The Business and Career Development Center (BCDC) provides advanced skills to create professionalism and an understanding …

The center equips students with a strong, powerful interdisciplinary tool-set based on practical experiences and ethical principles, and allows students to start their businesses/careers more successfully and to contribute as excellent entrepreneurship to the economy and community of the Upper East Region, Ghana, West Africa and the World at large.
At the end of the student’s course of study, s/he will be able to use the knowledge and understanding gained to work as an excellent project manager, customer oriented and time efficient expert and as a responsible leader and manager with social and emotional intelligence as well as ethical principles. The Business and Career Development Center fills the missing link between academic research and professional start. General Courses of ReCAS give the Know-How and BCDC gives the Do-Know.

Mr. Isaac Azure (Director)
(M.Sc./PGDE/ PhD student)
Lecturer in Mathematics, Quantitative Methods and Operations Management
He is also Assistant Registrar in Charge of Business Development and Industrial Relations.
Mobile: +233 (0)24 850 5889
Mobile: +233 (0)50 764 5351
Email: bcdc@recas-ghana.com